Greetings Devon RepRappers. I think a few of you already know me, but for those that don't I run a small business selling repraps and providing support for them. I'm interested in running some...
View ArticleRe: Workshops
Well, I have an initial date of Saturday 24th, from around 10am until no later than 7:30pm. How does that sound?
View ArticleRe: Welcome to Devon!
Hi I live in Totnes and want to start building a reprap over the Christmas break, so if you are having a meeting on Saturday please let me know. Best wishes Jan
View ArticleRe: Welcome to Devon!
Jan, There is a workshop planned for this Saturday. It's going to be pretty quiet though - Only two people have told me they will be able to make it. You are more than welcome to come along to that if...
View ArticleRe: Welcome to Devon!
Hi Stewart Yes, I can get to Exeter on Saturday. Is there anything I need to bring? Regards Jan
View ArticleRe: Welcome to Devon!
Jan, I'm going to say at this point it's probably a better idea to not worry about coming to Exeter tomorrow. As nobody else is able to attend, and I have some pretty urgent matters to deal with, I'm...
View ArticleRe: Welcome to Devon!
Unfortunately I'm one of the many(!) who can't make it to Exeter tomorrow - sorry it didn't work this time, Stewart. However, Jan, I am only in Harbertonford, a few miles south of you, and I have a...
View ArticleRe: HI im chris and live in plymouth
Hi Chris, I am abdulla and alos living in plymouth. at the moment I am building my 3d printer. maybe we can help each other.
View ArticleRe: HI im chris and live in plymouth
Hi abdulla yes it would be great pm we should organise a meet
View ArticleRe: HI im chris and live in plymouth
Hey Nealeb in another topic you said you have a lathe is it up and running yet?
View ArticleRe: HI im chris and live in plymouth
Chris, Yes, lathe in full working order! What were you thinking about? - Brian
View ArticleRe: HI im chris and live in plymouth
Is it possible to make a in total length would be 12mm, diameter 5mm one end 6mm length m4 threaded and the other end m3 tapped hole made out of brass ill price up material, im going ask at work first...
View ArticleRe: HI im chris and live in plymouth
What it is im builing a i3 and had tap holes to 4mm but the bed will have 3mm holes
View ArticleRe: HI im chris and live in plymouth
Hi, Sorry about that I was busy with my study. we can arengge a meeting if you want this is my email it will be better for communication and faster. regards, abdulls
View ArticleRe: Workshops
Hi stewartstarbuck , I have a printer and I got problem with fix it, so can I ask if you can fix it to me?? you can send me an email so it will be easy to chat togather Regards,...
View ArticleRe: Workshops
Hey abdulla, I've sent you a PM. As for this thread, workshop doors are open most days for anyone interested!
View ArticleWakey Wakey
I know you are out there somewhere lol, probably busy on your projects just a update really about 85% on parts gathered for my i3 build so hopefully ill have loads of pics soon anyways what have you...
View ArticleRe: Getting started with Sanguinololu
I know this is a long dead thread on the forum, but I believe my issue directly relates to your large original response to Charlie. I am running the Sanguinololu and got over the hurdle of getting...
View ArticleRe: Getting started with Sanguinololu
Couple of vaguely-related questions before we go any further - whereabouts in the country are you? There may be someone local who could help as hands-on is much better than at-a-distance! Secondly, do...
View ArticleTrying on my noobie boots-Intro
Hey all, I'm El Catski and i live in Exeter (Countess wear) I've been interested in the 3d printing world for a while now and been waiting for the price to drop, It would seem the day has come. I've...
View ArticleDid anyone buy a kit from Stewart Starbuck?
Hi I bought a Prusa Mendel kit from Stewart last year and have just replaced the chip to be able to run Marlin. I'm having difficulty configuring it without access to the numbers Stewart downloaded on...
View ArticleRe: Trying on my noobie boots-Intro
Hi i am from plymouth and have a prusa i3, i would recommend a i3 varient then the i2 as theres alot of nuts that can shake loose of a i2 any help sourcing parts and that just message me
View ArticleRe: Did anyone buy a kit from Stewart Starbuck?
what youu talking about chip? on the arduinio? what board your using? if its ardunio and ramps then you need to upload your firmware usin arduino console but can't help much unless you can confirm...
View ArticleRe: Did anyone buy a kit from Stewart Starbuck?
Thanks. We started again from scratch to get all the measurements and details. The printer is now working and on loan to Brighton Hackerspace. I don't know what happened to Stewart. He seemed to have...
View ArticleRe: Did anyone buy a kit from Stewart Starbuck?
Just so this isn't left unanswered, I can confirm I am okay. I closed the business over a year ago now and haven't really been following the printing scene since. Glad to hear you got everything...
View ArticleRe: Getting started with Sanguinololu
Hi all I find all the above post very interesting as I have been using sanguinololu for about 2 years now without any problems on four home made printers and found it great. I have now got a bee in my...
View ArticleStarting up...
I am a model engineer and am toying with the idea of building a 3D printer? I am currently converting my milling machine to CNC and have built all the electronics, and am making the hardware to fit...
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