Couple of vaguely-related questions before we go any further - whereabouts in the country are you? There may be someone local who could help as hands-on is much better than at-a-distance! Secondly, do you have a simple meter to check voltages and so on? A cheap digital multimeter from Maplin or similar is pretty much a necessity for any sensible fault-finding (Maplin are listing a "domestic multimeter" for about £9 at the moment that would do everything you are likely to need at this stage). Also, are you using Pronterface to drive the board? Is it showing information coming back from the Sanguinololu when you first connect?
Assuming you have access to a meter, the first step could be to start looking around the board and checking that correct voltages appear in the right places. In the first instance, I would check that there is 12V on each Pololu - or even that the 12V supply is delivering that to the board. Really simple checks that can turn up silly faults. However, you also need to be confident that the Gcode is getting to the board, so there are a number of lines of approach.
Start with answers to my first few questions, and we can see what we can do.
- Brian
Assuming you have access to a meter, the first step could be to start looking around the board and checking that correct voltages appear in the right places. In the first instance, I would check that there is 12V on each Pololu - or even that the 12V supply is delivering that to the board. Really simple checks that can turn up silly faults. However, you also need to be confident that the Gcode is getting to the board, so there are a number of lines of approach.
Start with answers to my first few questions, and we can see what we can do.
- Brian